! COVID-19 regulation !
For your physical attendance at ICC2022 please mind:
All participants must present a valid Covid-19 test certificate (PCR or antigen test). Proof of a valid antigen self-test is also possible (e.g. bring a photo of it or the test directly with you). Wearing a FFP2 mask is recommended.
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Let's meet again in person! Let´s enjoy a new hybrid format!
After a long time attending virtual conferences, ICC in cooperation with BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) are organizing the 20th ICC Conference as hybrid event, taking physically place in Vienna and supported by an interactive digital platform.
The conference is held under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Mag. Norbert Totschnig, MSc. and the Mayor and Governor of Vienna, Dr. Michael Ludwig.
“Vienna ICC Conferences” have become a tradition since the Association was founded in 1955 and since the Headquarters is located there.
The Department of Food Science and Technology of BOKU will host this event.
The hybrid format includes benefits for all participants. Attending in person, you will enjoy the event as well known from previous years including all the networking possibilities plus to be connected comfortable to the digital platform, which facilitates to retrieve information, arrange meetings etc. Participating remotely, you’ll have access to all content and be able to attend the live sessions, download e.g. the Book of Abstracts, view posters, interact with participants and speakers via chat or video call, and build your own personalised schedule.
The Conference Committees with members from public and private institutions from all over the world will facilitate an interesting program, focused on sustainability and future challenges in the cereal sector by inviting internationally renowned experts. The program will cover aspects and latest developments starting from crop production with special emphasis on the change of climate and its influence of the world nutrition, via cereal processing, nutrition, analytics, quality and safety up to market trends and consumer demands to tackle the needs in the cereal business today and tomorrow.
The ICC2022 will be a great forum for discussions, to convene and collaborate and an excellent opportunity to build new connections and to renew friendships.
All stakeholders in the grain food chains are called to support this event by contributing with their expertise and sharing the results of their work in oral and poster presentations as well as panel discussions and tabletop exhibitions.
ICC and BOKU would like to express a warm welcome to all participants from all over the world to join this ICC Conference in the beautiful city of Vienna and we are looking forward to meeting you all in July 2022!

- Online Registration has closed -

ICC as non-profit organisation is not entitled to charge VAT, the above fees are given net.
NOTE: For authors with an oral presentation it is necessary to be physically present at the conference.
Please find more information on the ICC2022 Social Events HERE.
I Crop production and agricultural challenges
Environmental influences, effects of climate change on cereal production
Sustainability of cereal products
Quality of raw material
Grain storage
II Grain Biodiversity and Food Security
Novel and Ancient Grains, Pseudocereals
III Grain Nutrition and Health
How can cereal products support to meet the dietary guidelines?
Physiological properties
Health benefits
Allergies and Intolerances
IV Processing and Cereal products
Technological innovations
Innovative cereal products
Novel utilisation of cereal and legume proteins
V Grain quality, safety and analytical tools
Innovations in quality characterization
New methods
Mycotoxins and other contaminants
VI Market Trends and Consumer Demands
Food trends, media, consumer perceptions
International trade and supply chains
Programme Overview
Day 1 - 5 July 2022
09:00 - 10:45 ICC Executive Committee Meeting (by invitation only)
11:00 Conference Opening
Welcome Address by the BOKU Rector Prof. Dr. Eva Schulev-Steindl
Welcome Address by the Austrian Federal Minister for Agriculture,
Regions and Tourism, Mag. Norbert Totschnig, MSc.
Keynote Lecture by Prof. Martin Schönhart, BOKU
13:40 - 14:00 Conference Programme
20:00 Welcome Reception at the invitation of the Mayor of the Federal Capital Vienna
at the Town Hall
Day 2 - 6 July 2022
08:25 - 12:45 Conference Programme
12:45 - 14:10 Lunch at the invitation of the Austrian Federal Minister for
Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, Mag. Norbert Totschnig, MSc.
14:10 - 18:10 Conference Programme
19:30 Dinner on the Danube with sightseeing of Vienna's highlights
Day 3 - 7 July 2022
09:00 - 13:10 Conference Programme, Awarding Ceremony and Closing
13:10 - 14:00 Lunch
14:15 - 16:00 ICC General Assembly
Scientific Committee
Gerhard Schleining, AT (ICC President, Scientific Chair)
Regine Schönlechner, BOKU, AT (Scientific Co-Chair)
Charles Brennan, RMIT University, AU
Marina Carcea, CREA, IT
Jan de Vries, Nutrition Solutions, NL
Sara Grafenauer, UNSW Sidney, AU
Mario Jekle, University of Hohenheim, DE
Hamit Köksel, Istinye University, TR
Alfred Mar, ICC-Austria and BOKU, AT
Kevin Miller, General Mills, US
Maria Papageorgiou, IHU, GR
Vish Prakash, IUFoST, IN
Luc Saulnier, INRAE, FR
Katharina Scherf, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE
Caroline Sluyter, Oldways Whole Grains Council, US
Nesli Sözer, Health Grain Forum, VTT, FI
Jan Willem van der Kamp, TNO/WUR, NL
Fengcheng Wang, Henan University of Technology, CN
Organizing Committee
Veronika Haslinger (ICC Secretary General)
Sabine Gratzer, ICC
Caroline Placchetta, ICC
Denisse Bender, BOKU
Rubina Rumler, BOKU
Elok Waziiroh, BOKU
Abstract Submission
The programme of ICC2022 will cover all the aspects and latest developments starting from crop production with special emphasis on climate change and its influence on world nutrition, via cereal processing, nutrition, analytics, quality and safety up to market trends and consumer demands to tackle the needs in the cereal business today and tomorrow.
Abstracts of original research for presentation as oral (max 1/expert), short oral (max 1/expert) or poster (max 2/expert) presentations will be accepted at this unique international event. We kindly ask all abstract submitters to provide a brief explanation about how your work is relevant for the cereal sector.
All submitted abstracts shall be within the overall scope of the ICC2022, whereby the mentioned topics there shall only give an indication about desired content.
NOTE: For authors with an oral presentation it is necessary to be physically present at the conference.
Submission deadline: 19th April 2022
Abstracts for poster submissions will be accepted until 16th May 2022.
We warmly invite you to share your work and findings with the global community!
-- Abstract submission portal has been closed --
Submission of the Poster file by email
to the Conference Secretariat
(PDF file, min. A3, portrait format)
15th June 2022
Abstract Submission
16th May 2022
Latest Notification of Abstract Acceptance
9th May 2022
Early Bird Registration
16th May 2022
Registration & Payment Done for Inclusion in Book of Abstracts
13th June 2022
Online Registration Deadline
30 June 2022

BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
1190 Vienna, Austria
How to get there

Hotel recommendations

You can book here a room at Hotel Stefanie and you will receive a 10 % discount on our daily best rate. For bookings made earlier the price will be lower. A booking can only be made in case of availability until latest 28th June 2022.
You can book here a room at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer and you will receive a 10% discount on our daily best rate. For bookings made earlier the price will be lower. A booking can only be made in case of availability until latest 28th June 2022.

You can book here (with following code - BOKU2022) a room at the Living Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph and you will receive a special rate for single room 79€ - Double room 89€/ night, incl. breakfast.
Special flight fares
Special Lufthansa Group airlines fares
The Lufthansa Group airlines bring people together - every day, all around the world. The global route network of Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa, SWISS, Brussels Airlines and Eurowings offers optimal connection and combination options, so you will benefit from quick and direct flights to the event.
You will reach the booking platform via this link https://www.lufthansa.com/de/en/meetings-and-events-delegates and with the event code ATZLELX. The reduced fares are automatically displayed.
NB: Please enable pop-ups permanently in your browser while booking, otherwise the window in the booking platform will not open.
Of course, you can also book through your IATA travel agency. The travel agency can request the ticketing instructions by sending an email to lufthansa.mobility@dlh.de, stating the event code ATZLELX

Public Transport Special

The ideal combination of public transport to the congress location and countless possibilities to explore Vienna! Get 10% off on public transport when purchasing your 3-days-congress-ticket online. These tickets are valid on all public transports services in Vienna and can be displayed on your mobile! Please note that these are not refundable tickets and per part process max. 20 tickets are available (download quantity).
Discover the beautiful city of Vienna - find here the official online travel guide of the city of Vienna!
1- Can I register a group of people on behalf of them?
If you would like to register a group or if you have any queries on registration fees please contact the ICC2022 Secretariat.
2- What are the payment methods?
We accept payments by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX) and bank transfer. We cannot accept payment by check and debit card. Any additional fees (e.g. bank or credit card charges) are at own expense.
On-site booking can be done directly at the venue with cash or credit card payment.
3- What is the deadline for payments?
Payment of the applicable registration fee must have been made within 14 days after registration to secure your participation. In case of late booking and payment with bank transfer please email a copy of your payment order to the ICC2022 Secretariat to ensure your confirmed event participation.
Note for authors: For inclusion in the Book of Abstracts the registration & payment needs to be done until 13th June 2022 latest.
Please note that all unpaid bookings may be updated after registrations' deadlines passed and/or deleted. All refunds will be made after the conference within two months.
4- Letter of Invitation
If you require an invitation letter as part of your visa application, please mind to register and complete the payment of the registration fee. No letters of invitation will be issued without a completed conference registration.
5- What is your policy regarding press attendance?
Representatives of the press and media agencies with media credentials are welcome to attend the conference free of charge! Please contact the ICC2022 Secretariat for details concerning media registration.
Picture taking, audio/video recording and/or filming during the conference without prior permission of the organizers are prohibited. Requests for interviews of speakers or faculty should be sent to the ICC Headquarters.
6- What are the deadlines for registration periods?
Early Registrations Fees apply for bookings before 16 May 2022 (with payments within 14 days).
Normal Registration Fees apply for bookings from 16 May - 20 June 2022 (with payments within 14 days).
Late Registration Fees apply for online booking before 1 July 2022.
7- Covid-19 regulations at ICC2022
All participants must present a valid Covid-19 test certificate (PCR or antigen test). Proof of a valid antigen self-test (labeled with the date of testing and the name of the person) is also possible (e.g. bring a photo of it or the test directly with you). Wearing FFP2 masks is recommended.
Terms & Conditions
Cancellation Policy
Substitutions may be made at any time but please advise the ICC2022 Secretariat of any change of name. If you find it necessary to cancel the registration completely, please notify the Conference Secretariat immediately. Provided written notice is received by 1st May 2022, a full refund will be given less a 10% administration charge. Provided written notice is received by 5th June 2022, a 50% refund will be given. It is regretted for registrations cancelled after 5th June 2022, or for no-shows at the conference, the full fee (100% cancellation charges) will be payable.
In the unlikely event that the organisers shall deem it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. In the event that the organisers shall deem it necessary to postpone the conference due to force major, all pre-paid tickets will remain valid for the new date but also reimbursement will be possible less a 10% administration charge. In any case, the organisers shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates.
Other terms
By registering for ICC2022, relevant details will be incorporated into a participant list. Normally this information will be: name, surname, institution, country and email address. These details may also be available for parties directly related to the ICC2022, including the venues and accommodation providers. The Conference Organisers may use these details to inform participants of conference updates or future events via email.
The ICC2022 organisers reserve the right to change any part of the event programme if necessary at any time.
Payment Methods
We accept payments by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX) and bank transfer. We cannot accept payment by check and debit card. Any additional fees (e.g. bank or credit card charges) are at own expense.
Payment Deadline
Payment of the applicable registration fee must have been made within 14 days after registration to secure your participation. Please note that all unpaid bookings may be deleted after payment deadline without any notice. All refunds will be made after the conference within two months.
In case of late booking and payment with bank transfer please email a copy of your payment order to the ICC2022 Secretariat to ensure your confirmed event participation.
Note for authors: For inclusion in the Book of Abstracts the registration & payment needs to be done until 13 June 2022 latest.
Registration Deadline
Online registration will be possible until 30 June 2022.
Representatives of the press and media agencies with media credentials are welcome to attend the ICC2022! Please contact the Conference Secretariat for details of media registration.
Please note to check also your junk mailbox in case you cannot find confirmation mails and mark our address as non-junk.
In case you have any further questions, please contact the ICC2022 Secretariat.
Contact Us
ICC2022 Secretariat
+ 43 1 7077 202-0
Postal Address
Stubenring 12, 1010 Vienna