Hamit Köksel has been the leader of the Cereal Research Group at Hacettepe University, Food Engineering Department. He is currently working at Istinye University, Istanbul Turkey. His recent research is on extrusion cooking, resistant starches, dietary fibers, biofortification, various aspects of baking and pasta manufacturing. He collaborate with cereal breeders, bakers and millers. He is the author of around 150 refereed papers in international journals, has written various reviews and book chapters. Since 2004, he has been serving as National Delegate of Food Chemistry Division of EuCheMS. He served as ICC President in 2017-18 and is currently ICC Past President. He started to serve as ICC Academy Chair at the beginning of 2021. In 2016 he was awarded the Harald Perten Prize (given by Harald Perten Foundation and ICC) and in 2020 the Friedrich Schweitzer Medal by the ICC.