Maria Papageorgiou is a Chemist specialised in the field of polysaccharide rheology and mixed biopolymer systems (PhD in Cranfield University, UK). Her current job position is Professor at the Food Science and Technology Department (http://www.food.teithe.gr) of the International Hellenic University (IHU) (Former Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki ATEITH). She is being involved in several international initiatives. Currently, she is serving as Secretary - Treasurer of the European Section of the AACCI, Cereals & Europe, with ca 400 members from all over Europe (http://www.aaccnet.org), she is Board member and member of the Technical Committee of the International Association of Cereal Chemists (ICC, http://www.icc.or.at) having also served as National Delegate of Greece (2002-2010) in that organization. She represents ATEITh as Institutional member at the ISEKI FOOD Association (IFA)
http://www.iseki-food.net/) and as Article 36 Organizations of EFSA (http://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/assets/art36listg.pdf).
She has coordinated bilateral research projects, national research activities and she has being a team member of EU funded projects. She is also a Referee at 15 scientific journals. Her main research interests are the tailoring of functional properties of cereal grains and their components in view of developing specific cereal healthy foods and ingredients. She has more than 1200 citations to her research work (44 peer reviewed articles and book chapters) and has participated in various conferences. The years 2015-16 she has been a member of the Quality Assurance Unit of ATEITh and since 2016 member of the Greek National Rular Network (http://www.ead.gr/index.php/en/).