Higher education including obtained degrees 2014 (June) Habilitation for Technology of plant products (Privatdozentin) 2002 (February) Graduation as "Doktorin of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences" (Dr.nat.techn.) 1997 Graduation as "Magistra of the Natural Sciences" (Mag. rer. nat.) 1990 - 1997 Studies "Nutritional Science" at the University of Vienna, Austria Appointments Current position Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences: 2015 Assoc.Professor, 2010 Ass.Professor, 1/2008-8/2009 – maternity leave, 2004 Univ.Assistant, 2002 Research Assistant 2000-2002 ICC – International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, Austria: Assistant of the General Secretary/CEO Expertise Food Technology; Nutritional Science; Cereal Science; Pseudocereals; Food Additives; Nutrition in Developing Countries Awards 2014 Agrana Forschungs Förderungspreis 2014 2007 Wirtschaftskammerpreis 2007 Publications 43 Contributions to scientific journals, thereof 31 in SCI journals 52 contributions for scientific events (peer-reviewed proceedings) 92 oral presentations, 36 Poster presentations, 1 book (editor) 9 Contributions to collected volumes (book chapters), 32 popular scientific publications and knowledge transfer Current Teaching activity (at BOKU) - Food technology seminar (SE), 2 SH, WS, since 2015 - Bachelor´s degree seminar (SE), 2 SH WS and SS, since 2012 - Doctorate seminar (SE), 2 SH WS and SS, since 2012 - Diploma and Master Seminar (SE), 2 SH WS and SS, since 2012 - Practical Course in Food Processing (in Engl.) (UE), 3 SH WS , since 2011 - Fat Chemistry and Technology (in Engl.) (VO), 2 SH WS, since 2010 - Food technology II (VO), 2 SH SS, since 2006 - Practical Course in Food technology (UE), 5 SH SS, since 2004 - Nutrition in Developing Countries (VS), 1 SH SS, since 2000