After his study in chemistry and R&D positions in Unilever Jan Willem van der Kamp joined in 1985 TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, as director of cereal research. As Senior Officer International Projects he was and is involved in a wide range of national and EU projects, including FP6-HEALTHGRAIN, HealthBread, as coordinator, and MyNewGut , where he focused on developing recommendations for European public health and dietary guidelines. He chaired the scientific committee of the 7th International Dietary Fibre Conference (2018) highlighting the area of dietary fibres, their impact on the gut microbiome and related health effects. He served as International Director of AACCI, President of ICC, and board member of the Healthgrain Forum. He co-authored the Healthgrain Forum publications on the definition of Whole grain and Whole-grain foods and is now chairing the International Working Group of the Whole Grain Initiative on Definitions.