Dr. Gerhard Schleining graduated in Food and Biotechnology at BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) and worked at the Department of Food Science and Technology since 1983 and retired in March 2020. He coordinated an international master program “Safety in the food chain”. His research and teaching areas are food physics (with special focus on rheology, food texture and structured delivery systems) and quality and safety of food (with special focus on quality management systems and hygienic design). He had several stays for research and teaching at universities in California, China, France, Kasachstan, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. He participated in several EU-funded projects and coordinated 2 Erasmus+ projects, FooD-STA, a Food Studies and Training Alliance between the food industry and universities in Europe and SEA-ABT, a capacity building project to establish an Academy of Beverage Technology in South East Asia. He was Secretary General of the ISEKI-Food Association from 2005 to 2020, he is member of the executive board of GHI (Global Harmonisation Initiative) and member of the EHEDG (European Hygienic Equipment and Design Group) Training&Education Group and EHEDG certified trainer.