Dr. Vishweshwaraiah Prakash is currently the President of International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), Vice-President of International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS); Adjunct Professor at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India; and Adjunct Professor at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. He was Former Director of CFTRI, Mysore, and was appointed as Distinguished Scientist of CSIR, India.
He has received more than 65 National and International awards including one of the high Civilian Awards Padmashree, Coveted Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award for Science and Technology and Rajyotsava award and several Lifetime Achievement Awards from various organizations like FICCI, IUFoST, AIFPA and many organizations
Abroad. He is currently serving in the editorial board of a number of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition Journals and is in the editorial board of a number of Books world wide .He is former Chair of Panel on Nutraceuticals and Member, Scientific Committee of Food Safety and Standards Authority, of Govt of India. He is a fellow of most of the Academies in India and Royal Society of Chemistry, IUFoST and IFT, USA.
Dr. Prakash’s Scientific Contribution in the area of Food Science, Food Technology, Chemistry and Biochemistry of Foods, Systems and Structural Biology and Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Food and Nutrition Security, Food Product Development, Food and Nutrition Biotechnology, Nutraceuticals,Food Safety and Nutrition and Eco friendly Technologies is vast and in depth with new Innovations and Technologies in the foreground. Dr. Prakash has as of date 216 peer reviewed research publications, 55 Patents Filed, nearly 25 Ph.Ds degrees (some are Masters) guided and 840 plus Keynote, Chief Guest and Convocation address delivered and is author of 16 Books and 9 more Books are in pipeline . His keen interest in Societal endeavors of Nutrition reaches out and the Regulatory angle of Start Ups is noteworthy. As a regular Contributor to various Professional leading journals and magazines and being a Media savvy person reaches out to the public the message of Science for a Healthy Lifestyle with Food Safety. He is a regular evaluator of Projects globally for various Countries funded by World Bank and Regional funding bodies. He is Council Member of GHI.